
Fear is ” The Thing” in the age of information addiction.

People love the media as the brain has a dopamine reward system like money & drugs for gaining information .

We have become addicted to information and in the majority of cases it is the addiction to mis-information.

We seek information because we are looking for ourselves. Knowing, loving and being that is our authentic Self. When looking outside in order to try to find ourselves we also seek info in order to know, to try to feel whole and complete . We want to know. It is natural to be curious, to wonder and learn. Nothing in excess. Information can become an addiction. We have now put a high price on “information”/data and an huge corporate industry that steals your personal information and sells it and one( media) that spreads (mis) information. There is so much and contradicting and manipulated data as the media also seek to confuse and overwhelm the information consumer. Data “scientists” and algorithms can reprogram , manipulate and reorder data to suit the owner. As we have seen all during the scamdemic. Meaningless falsified “data” is valued if it can make profits . Which goes to the corporate values human beings have adopted and are mentally infected with.

The age of misinformation.

There is a very large number of controlled opposition (mis) information outlets . Ask yourself are they spreading the one narrative “covid19” ? I am skeptical of all very popular alt sites that have a narrative of “a virus” and ” covid19 is real” they use classic non sequiturs and just argue the use of toxic injections the GMO trial they wrongly call a “vaccine” . There is no “covid19” so no injection is needed its that simple. The wolves in sheep clothes selling mis information and forming us vs them groups. I call shenanigans on the alt info sites telling people there is a “virus”, “covid19” or a “vaccine”. None of these things exist they are spreading and dealing in misinformation and fear. There is a Big Lie used as an excuse to try to make us give up our physical freedoms, to distance us from each other and push an injection that was described by Big pharma to be a human GMO trial( *I do not claim it works) with toxins .

Just as our brains like junk food for the calories , so we overvalue information that makes us feel good for a short time just for the dopamine hit. Then there is the emotional addiction to a (seemingly paradoxical) normal state of fear. Anxiety for many is a ” normal” prevalent state, much like a static hum .

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself”

Threat perception cycles

Wondered why there is so much submission to the bankster (corporations as government) fascist rules? People following the media induced trauma are going though the automatic animal responses to a perceived threat. The body reacts to imagined threats( thoughts that generate fear) the same as if it were really happening. Many are in submit mode with an unhealthy Stockholm syndrome attachment to govt ( that tyrant that ironically promises “safety”= freedom from threats that it is making up). Every media induced traumatic response to fearmongering mis information has the potential side effect of triggering (repressed) childhood trauma so many are also unknowingly cycling round the threat responses as they are plugged into media with daily fearmongering there is no safety or grounding for them that is needed to deal with strong traumatic events.

  1. Fight: Becoming aggressive in the face of a perceived threat
  2. Flight: The urge to flee a stressful—or seemingly stressful—situation
  3. Freeze: A reaction that doesn’t feel like a reaction at all; not being able to think or move. Overtime part of the freeze response around other 3a Submit: Appeasing others when faced with a threat 3bAttach: Forming unhealthy needy and clingy bonds after perceived threat.


  1. Solution: Freedom from the past. Having attention that is focused and grounded in this moment . This moves you out of animal responses to into real courage( not suppressed fear – causing fight response -pretending to be courage). Feel whatever you feel, dont flee from it into addiction or distraction. Emotions are a reaction to a thought , just energy and it moves if we let them flow and release them. (Like thoughts are like the clouds passing over the sky of our minds )
  2. Free course in Trauma https://product.soundstrue.com/healing-trauma-certificate/sign-up/?_kx=58FBDgek6byko_708KpFoXeCMW3vGNdazkIs8xrnjIw%3D.JMDgaq


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