
The world of the absurd.

The FBI did not raid Trump.

We are suppose to believe the media when it says Trump got raided by FBI ( another carriage in a train of the “media said so” mind cult). This media narrative (*a Trump psyop) says Trump is an enemy of the State. So that hes seen as a victim – he’s like we the people -so that you will identify with him and vote . This has been done for a relaunch of the past Central banker’s appointed President Trump for 2024 . Saying he was raided by FBI is like saying a cabal raids it very own loyal crisis actors/minions, its utterly laughable . And yet I read the media metaverse( with its one narrative of fear memes)and twitter garbage is still being spread as reality by so many smaller independent blogs. This worship of media comes down to an addiction problem…. fear sells.

There is also a buy into the us vs them( “vaxxed vs unvaxxed”) meme, leading to increased ad hominem attacks . The deep unconsciousness of the paid shills and the verbal attacks make some people drop down to that level . Which is entirely unhelpful when one is just spreading the facts .

All the insanity we see in the world has a cause. Humans that have lost conscious awareness of who they are( and so in that our connection to each other). And in place of knowledge is a filtered perception , a misidentifying with something we are not… a charlatan( the ego) . I encourage you to choose and access your birthright of freedom and peace. It is not “out there”, the further you go down the rabbit hole( and the media metaverse) looking for yourself the darker it becomes.

It comes down to a very basic choice we have and that is between fear and love. The ego is heavily invested in fear , the ego needs to make you feel guilty, then it projects and attacks “others”. We can see the collective ego( “deep State”) at work in the media.

Everyday we can choose our thoughts… are they fear or love ?

These are the only emotions we have, so choose wisely.


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