
Fear is kryptonite for the mind

And parallels between the narrative’s 1918 ” Spanish Flu” and the 2019 Convid

People believe what the govt and media tell them maybe even more so back in 1918’s when during the time of WW1 alot of people were said to get sick. How could they not for war is fear (hate) in action. An unloving action . Where you make up enemies to strengthen the ego. In war human beings are judged , villainized and attacked, this projection and split in the mind then causes much fear of retaliation and guilt. Along side the separated mind as a cause this war was a seed of fear, the very idea that we are separate it naturally cultivated illness.

Madness is malady

Troops in the business of killing each other in trenches (trapped with feces) were experimented on with injections of gunk. Before the first cases of so called “Spanish flu” were reported at Camp Funston at Fort Riley in Kansas in March 1918, fear propaganda followed by a trial of a vaccine made with dead bacterial cells and junk was conducted on military volunteers at the same location. Soldiers during World War I were experimental subject to govts vax requirements. Residential schools and mental hospitals were easy targets. Drug manufacturers aggressively promoted their stock vaccines for everything “colds, grippe, and flu”. These vaccines also were of undisclosed compositions. The use of “vaccines” at the time are still to this day being denied.

Back then vaccine devilopers prepared a mix, tested it on some laboratory animals to see how much it takes to kills animals, and then in two humans, and turned it over to the Red Cross for use in humans—all in one week.

1916 in a British Army post in France, there was a dis-ease some British physicians called “purulent bronchitis” (others called it the flu or typhoid) but by 1918 that same dis ease was renamed the “Spanish flu”. Exactly like in 2019 when the exact same 2018 “cold and flu” symptoms were renamed covid19 .

WW2 had the same illnesses with different names . And “Typhoid Mary”… I mean come on( Mary being the name of the mother of Jesus Christ ).

Same measures in the news back in the 1900’s BUT they also had a good one “Avoid worry, fear and fatigue” ( something the War and the media would not allow them to do easily) some people used gauze masks https://www.clinicaloncology.com/aimages/2020/gen0620_038c_7702_600.jpg

Those making up the narative at the time (and now) were of course trained by Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University) invested-gators. And the injections the snake oil master of magick coined “ vaccines” .

I call it madness.

Call it the “Plague, purple death or convid19” it matters not, all the so called Rockerfeller declared “epidemics” are propaganda , agressive vaccine (snake oil) marketing, fear and its sidekick ignorance .

So enough with this silliness that so many believed and still to this day believe , strengthening what are just lies . There are no such things as “ Germs “ .

Illness is from the split, unhealed, unwhole mind.

The idea of body is in the mind. What is seen in dreams seems to be very real.

Can we make that jump from the old indoctrinated ideas and beliefs about who we are, and health being from and of the temporary ( bound by time) body? To knowing we are not guilty body’s waiting for punishment to be attacked by non existent “ Germs” that we are Spirit ( eternal, timeless in the NOW) . From the fake egoic mind made self to the real, created and true Self.


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