
Isms: collective, ancestral, racial, national or cultural IDs and the victim IDs.

The Bankster’s money follows the growing of all these divisive mental concepts  along with the man made climate change  myth (  the perpetrator ID about guilt  for the purpose of continued control  ).

When I read the Starfire codes synchronicity, “The next two full moons are both happening in Capricorn, and they will be very focused on closing out the false identities and personas we have taken on due to ancestral and generational curses, and karmic family influences”  as  I had started to write another  post on the very issue of the media spreading  the racial /collective victim IDs (egos) or the ashamed perpetrator ID , 

Identity politics

In the  media metaverse  the white person  is  guilty, to be  shamed as a “colonizer”,  even though the  Bank of England’s Crown   was the  feudal “colonizer” . And this  happened  hundreds of years ago but it is still being talked about by media as though its  happening now.  And those with racial or victim Ids really do think its happening now. As an EG with a group ( LGQTB) that imagined victimhood and separation into a community really feels its being attacked . Yes its a delusion but they are unaware  and have not questioned any of their thoughts and beliefs.

The ego loves this strengthening, it does not care if it is the biggest victim  one bit, as long as it is the biggest its superior . And it loves enemies,  some cultures are always making up enemies, they do this when they have a strong cultural ego to strengthen the collective ID (ego) .

Karma is your past conditioning that without awareness we tend to manifest  it over and over 

The greater part of most people’s thinking is involuntary, automatic, and repetitive. It is no more than a kind of mental static and fulfills no real purpose. The Eastern term for this repetitive cycle is karma. You continually bring to your life experiences that correspond to your thinking. What you reap, you will sow. What you think, you will attract. If the contents of your thoughts are locked in past events, you are destined to repeat them. This is karma. And it goes both ways.”

When you are a citizen(ID) (and have a govt as your authority) the idea of slavery never  ended it just morphed. The citizen(  legal fiction ) is a debt slave to govt. Paying taxes, obeying it , paying for shelter (rent/mortgage ), energy billed for the use of  the sold off infrastructure that the taxpayer paid for  . 

But the worst enslavement is that of the ego as a master,  and we do that to ourSelves .

Making the perfect, innocent,  limitless into a limited mind made  concept of who we are.

So in short even the stars agree its  a great time to see  and move beyond the bubbles of collective or individual faux identities

ET on ego,  how it arises  as a child and the time of a collective victim ID


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